Experience APRS on Your Mac

Get the ease of use you’ve come to expect on you Mac in your amateur radio software as well.

“What is Your Location?”

In amateur radio, the “QTH” Q-code means “What is your position?” when used as a question, or “My position is…” when used as a statement. The Automatic Packet Reporting System® is a common avenue that amateur radio operators communicate their positions, among other useful information.

QTH.app is an APRS® client application exclusively for the macOS platform. It connects to the APRS network via radio or Internet to help operators receive, transmit, and visualize information being shared over APRS.

What is APRS?

The Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) is a digital communication protocol used by amateur radio operators to share realtime information like position, weather, messages, and telemetry over radio frequencies and the Internet. APRS enables tracking and monitoring of assets such as vehicles, weather stations, and portable devices, making it a versatile tool for both hobbyists and emergency communications.


QTH.app follows a “freemium” pricing model. QTH.app is free to receive APRS traffic. The transmit functions are unlocked with a one-time in-app purchase.

This serves a twofold purpose: it discourages random non-hams from spamming and puts a few dollars in my pocket to buy more radios to test with.

If you would like to purchase a license, please visit the store:


Advanced Mapping Capabilities

Mapping APRS position reports, objects, etc

  • APRS symbols
  • Graphical display of speed and direction
  • Tactical callsigns
  • Station paths, including dead reckoning
  • Telemetry graphs
Versatile Connectivity Options

Supports connecting via:

  • Serial KISS TNC (Special support for Mobilinkd Bluetooth TNCs)
  • Audio Modem - Use the internal Mac sound card
  • KISS-over-TCP
Intuitive Map Navigation

Scroll and pan around the map using your trackpad or mouse.

GPS Integration

Uses macOS Location Services by default, but supports GPS receivers over Bluetooth or USB.

APRS Timeline

Go back in time and see where things were at a certain time.

Weather Stations

Special weather station display, including wind barbs and temperature colors

Instant Messaging

Integrates with Apple Contatcts to store favorite ham radio contacts.


Beaconing that changes rate based on speed and heading changes while respecting bandwith limits.

Flexible Unit Display

Imperial units not your thing? Change the display to SI units if you would like.

Map Grids

USNG/MGRS, Maidenhead grid overlays.

Area Objects

Supports drawing area shapes directly on the map.

Custom Alerts

Integrated with macOS notification center. Custom matching rules